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This Week at the Brennans’

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Brooke sitting at a table with a birthday cake with lit candles

Lots of exciting stuff happening these past few weeks!

Here’s what happened this past week:

Well, I feel like such a broken record but we have switched rooms around…again! We just can’t seem to figure out a set-up we all like but I think *I THINK* we have it figured out. So! Porter has moved downstairs to be with Gordon and I, Brooke moved from the back basement upstairs to be in Porter’s old room and all that storage that was in Gordon’s and my room in the front basement got moved up, across and down to the back basement. We will be putting in a temporary wall to make Porter his own separate space and we will be adding a few closet units to really make our bedroom more functional and hopefully more cozy and not so basement-like. I hope to eventually do an apartment tour once everything is up and where we want it. I’m still on the lookout for some battery operated lights that we can mount above two larger picture frames in our living space, but those are nearly impossible to find, so the search has been REAL fun. Ha! To be continued….

Brooke turned 11! Her birthday was February 8th and what a great day that was! We celebrated at home very simply with a chocolate cream pie and a few gifts, just how we like it. Brooke of course wanted a huge party with her friends, but we gave her that huge party when she turned 10, so I’m not doing that again. Lesson learned! Ha!

Lauren and Eddie

As part of her gift, we got her a loft bed for her new room and I took her to Target and Homegoods to pick out some new bedding and decor for her new room. She currently is wanting to become an interior designer when she’s older, so we thought it would be good to give her the opportunity to decorate something.

Last week, there was the cutest little first grade singing performance and Blake was so stinking cute! We were supposed to practice all the songs with our kids and of course I didn’t because I feel like I’m behind always and have -27 hours to work with. So, once I showed up I thought ‘this is going to go one of two ways’. Ha! Luckily, he knew all the songs and was belting them out front and center. It really was a highlight of the school year.

Gordon was working the midnight shift for a good portion of these two weeks which always is hard for the whole family to handle, especially with Porter not really sleeping consistently. Of course it’s not ideal but we are grateful for the job he has.

Kids performing at school
Can you find sweet little Blake?

After we moved Porter downstairs, I have been trying furiously to sleep train him. I got all ready to do it and then he got sick, poor kid. I took him to the doctor thinking he had an ear infection only to be sent away with no drugs. Just a virus. Womp womp. And the icing on the cake is the past week I’ve been on the verge of getting sick and am now finally getting taken down. I’ve had nasal drip turn into a sore throat, back to nasal drip and now here comes the cough and stuffy nose. Oh well.

We were actually supposed to go to Canada to visit my family this past weekend but because of Porter being sick and me finally getting taken down by said sickness, we decided we should just stay home and go another weekend. It was a real bummer but we’re hoping we all will be rested and Porter will actually be sleeping through the night by the time we go in March. That’s the plan anyways.

Brooke earned herself an ipad! She has been working towards this goal since last June believe it or not and finally TODAY of all days she did it, so I happily took her to the apple store and let her pick out the one she’s been working for. Gordon and I are so proud of her! She almost quit a few times but thankfully she stuck with it and man what a good payoff it has been.

Lauren and Porter selfie
Cute picture but don’t be deceived! We are both feeling rotten.

Here’s what is coming up this next week:

My kids have the week off for the mid-winter break. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with these rascals since I am feeling terrible, but I’m sure we’ll think of something.

Gordon has a few days of work, but has an awesome schedule this week, so we will hopefully sneak in a date at some point. It’s been a long while since our last one.

We have to take Eddie to get his blood drawn tomorrow which should be fun. Not.

And finally we absolutely must send in these darn passport applications for Blake and Porter. We booked a vacation for Easter and need passports (and keep forgetting). So, that is at the very top of our to-do list.

Never miss a week

Last Week: This Week at the Brennans’

Two Weeks ago: This Week at the Brennans’

Three Weeks ago: This Week at the Brennans’

Brooke getting an Ipad at the Apple store

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14 Responses
  1. Donna

    So very sorry you and Porter are sick and I sure hope it stops with you two! Happy belated birthday day, Brooke! 🎂 We all hope you had a wonderful, fun-filled day!

  2. Maggie A Herron

    Not for everyone but whenever you feel a sore throat coming on or too much runny nose, have you tried Zicam lozenges (the dissolving type)? Works wonders for my husband and I. Either the issues are gone in 24-48 hours or we get a cold but it’s gone within a week. Hope everyone is feeling better now. Take care. As always, love your thoughtful posts & recipes.

  3. Shelli Bender

    Wow! Not to freak you out or anything , but gosh Brooke is sure growing up fast! Beautiful young lady now! Happy Birthday Brooke!!
    Thank you for your little post, I swear I look forward to your stories as if I was following a TV series! *laughs*
    Thank you for sharing, get healthy!

  4. Gina B.

    Happy Birthday Brooke. I am happy that she has earned money to buy something she really wants. Your kids are soo cute. Sorry to hear that you and Porter are not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. Can’t wait to see your apartment when it is finished. I love hearing about you and the family.

  5. Marilyn Brennan

    That is the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face! What a huge accomplishment! And I love the picture of you two sick ones. It really is adorable. I also really like your description of the different setups as you find the best way to utilize the space you have. Since I have been there I can picture it. Thanks.

  6. Carol

    How did Brooke earn her I-pad? Good lessons to teach! Love to follow you and your lovely family!! Hope you have more babies…. you and Gordon are great parents! Will enjoy yr apartment tour sometime… back basement…front basement and al!! 😄
    Thanks for being real!!

  7. Courtney

    Happy belated birthday to Brooke!! How did she earn the Ipad? Glad she earned it. They always appreciate stuff more when they either pay for it themselves or earn it. Hope you and Porter start to feel better soon. So did Brooke and her future career, help with the new apartment layout?

  8. Nery

    Seems like you’ve been super busy which doesn’t change much I guess! Love to read your post and see pictures of your family. You are all super cute. Thanks for keeping things real! ❤️

  9. Debbie

    If you don’t follow Brooke from Nesting With Grace, go to her blog and search for magic light trick. Sounds perfect for what you need!

  10. Kristin

    For the lights in your living room, check out @nestingwithgrace on Instagram and her magic light trick. Not sure it would work for you but an idea.
