This Week at the Brennans’

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Brooke Eddie and Blake trying to get a drink of water
Cutest kiddos.

Happy Memorial Day 🙂

Here’s what happened this past week:

The warm weather and funky random rain storms are upon us!! We were sweating and trying to stay cool this week, testing the boundaries of our air conditioning in our apartment. Ha!

The week was basically like any other, just staying on top of our kids’ schedule and trying to make the last of the school year worth it. My kids are done the very end of June which means we are probably the last school in America to be out on summer vacation. My kids have a few more weeks of their after school programs which means I only have a few more weeks of one kid at home to finish up my recipe posts I’m working on.

Eddie playing in water outside of the planetarium
The best splash pad in NYC 🙂

This past week, I was able to finish another 8 recipes and get them shot. My goal is to get all my recipe posts I need to get me to December (so I can have a little bit of a maternity leave September to December) by the time my kids are out of school. It’s not looking good. But, I have 20 recipes done thus far, so that’s at least something. I’ll just keep plucking away.

In the kindergarten yard, one of Blake’s friend’s Mom’s just realized that I was pregnant, thanks to the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing. She was so surprised to hear that I was past 20 weeks already. “You’ve been hiding it so well all this time!” she said. I wasn’t doing it intentionally! After my regular clothes don’t fit anymore, I just opt for the super loose dresses and sweaters. Plus, it was easy to hide for the first 14 weeks or so, not to mention how totally NORMAL I felt the entire time. I have a feeling the third trimester will be the worst part for me. Can’t believe I’ll be in my third trimester before my kids are done school. How bananas is that?

Baby boy is great. Moving more and continuing to grow. So yay!

Lauren Blake and Eddie
Sweet brothers always coming to visit their mama in her office. So tricky trying to fit in work when they’re awake. Rascals!

Wednesday evening, Gordon went to a ‘team building experience’ with his coworkers and they got to go cruising down the Hudson. All his pictures were great of the skyline and he was very content sipping his ‘diet coke on the rocks’. Ha, what a cornball.

Brooke (and we) hosted a sleepover Friday to Saturday and it was great fun making slime, watching movies and doing more girlie things. I was mostly in the kitchen testing recipes, but fun to be hearing everything they were discussing. Also really fun explaining to her friend what I do for a living. She was like “you make recipes all the time?” Yes, yes I do.

Gordon worked all day Saturday, so I tested a new French Toast Casserole recipe on my kids (plus Brooke’s friend) spent a good 3 1/2 hours at the park, dropped Brooke’s friend off at her apartment, ran home to get my wallet, headed to Trader Joes for some Memorial Day groceries (watermelon and hot dogs…obvs.) and came home to Gordie! Walking to Trader Joes, we passed this couple who were dining outside. They most definitely looked at us and sneered as we were walking by which I thought was a little obnoxious and rude, but oh well and we kept walking. After our grocery trip, I stopped right outside the store to re-situate the grocery bags and hand out granola bars to the masses because it was nearly dinner time and we had several blocks to get us home. An older lady with a cane came up to us and said “I just wanted to tell you that I see you and all your babies (pointing to the kids and my pregnant belly) and I think they are all so beautiful. What a beautiful site to see a happy family.” Isn’t that the nicest thing EVER? All I could think to say was “thank you so much!” and “you’re so sweet” again and again. How nice was that lady??

Lauren holding Eddie
tired Eddie after church. Hot weather + no nap do not make for a stellar combination.

Sunday after church we went to a picnic with friends and half way through the heavens opened and we got drenched. The forecast didn’t have rain anywhere to be seen and it was almost 90! So, needless to say, we did not pack umbrellas. Lesson learned! We packed up as quick as we could and waited under a stone bridge until it let up somewhat and then ran home. Running at 6 months pregnant is not my forte.

Monday was Memorial Day and Gordon got to work from home! It was a nice change to have him home. I let him sleep in while I took the kids all morning to one of the only splash pads in the city with its water turned ON, the Arthur Ross Terrace (on top of the Natural History Museum). It’s a low-key spot where not a lot of people go, which is just how I like it. Once school is out though, it’ll get much more busy. I actually took the boys on Wednesday after school while Brooke was at an after school program just to see if the water was on and we ended up staying for 1 1/2 hours (and getting soaked). It’s a great spot when there aren’t one million people there.

Eddie almost falling out of bed
Gordon always check on the boys before him and I go to bed and he found Eddie sleeping like this!! How he stayed in his bed, I’ll never know.

Here’s what is coming up this next week:

I am doing a little filming for a project I’m working on! You will have to wait and see what it is, but I’m really excited about it 🙂

Brooke has a music concert this Friday which should be pretty fun. She has been learning the violin!

More recipe testing for me. Same old, same old.

And before the week is through we’ll be in June! So crazy.

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15 Responses
  1. Patricia Gwen Tague

    Love reading your posts about you and your family. AND of course your recipes.

    Do you know of an app that keeps tracks of all the recipes ? I’m going crazy searching for a recipes that I save in my notes.
    Looking forwards to read more of blog. Be care and safe in the heat.

    1. Lauren

      I’m on the Prepear app. All my recipes are uploaded there and I’m in the process of creating meal plans there! Lots of other bloggers have recipes there and you can create grocery lists based on the recipes or meal plans you select.

  2. Denise Fonda

    Can’t wait for baby boy to arrive. Although, I live about 3 hours north of NYC and I don’t envy you being pregnant in the city heat. Try to stay cool and even if you don’t get all of your recipes finished, take the time you need, we will be here when you are ready.

  3. Kyra Harmon

    I’m headed your way the week of June 2-7th
    I’m probably going to do the thing
    Go to 10 locations for one low price.
    Any free places I should definitely go?

  4. Gina B.

    What beautiful picture of you and the boys. You look so glamours. Laughed at the picture of Eddie almost falling out bed. It is a wonder that he could still sleep in that position,. Happy to hear that the pregnancy is going well. Always love hearing about Brennen’s. Keep up blogging and posting your recipes.

  5. Aunt Donna

    So happy you are having warm weather. Wish CA was!! Can’t wait to see you guys We we’re planning on Summer but now everyone wants after Thanksgiving!,, that means COLD. Oh well love reading what you are all up to. Love the receipes. Love to all. Have a great summer.

  6. Marilyn Brennan

    I love this all, especially the overnight guest(s) and the “ducklings” following all around the town but Eddie takes the prize. Remember when you couldn’t get him to sleep fit so long as a baby? John just told me that grandpa Don, his father used to play the violin..didn’t know.

  7. Kelly E Tharp

    It is such great news to read you are sailing through this pregnancy so smoothly. I couldn’t imagine living in NYC with children and being pregnant. I really enjoy your recipes and blog. Have good week!

  8. Lena Boyd

    I do love the adventures of Lauren and Family,😉you all seem to fit everyone and everything in. I laughed at Eddie sleeping , how did he not fall, and thank goodness he did not.
    Slow down little mama when you have that moment and can, you need to take that moment.

  9. Kelly

    Luv your blog! Sounds like you had a nice slow paced holiday weekend! That’s great & probably needed?
    Luv all your recipes!

  10. Susan Crawford

    I had a co-worker fly into NYC for Mothers Day weekend. I had shared with her all of your tips. She did so much in two days plus two shows. Cant wait for it to be my turn…its slotted for sometime next year. Love your blog and your kids are the cutest. Glad your pregnancy is going so well.
