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This Week at the Brennans’

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Lauren and Eddie smiling for the camera

What a week, what a week!

Here’s what happened this past week:

I’ve been digging into my recipe testing galore! I have made the same pumpkin cheesecake four times and still don’t have it right, but truth be told, once I publish it, it’ll be freaking EPIC.

Since I’ve been head down pushing it in my work, I’ve been mostly staying low key, trying to get more done than humanly possible. I wasn’t on my instastories too much because for a few days I just forgot it was there! Laser focused I was. Just wish I had a few more recipes to show for it. But regardless, the testing part is the delicious work that is required.

Believe it or not, I made it to the gym 4 times this past week which is amazing! My round ligament pain got traded in for some other minor, creaky pains in other parts of my body. SO so relieved that it’s resolved but annoyed that the weight of this kid is taking its toll on other parts of my body. Again, so grateful that it’s not round ligament pain anymore. Hallelujah.

Also, I read that my uterus is now the size of a basketball, so that’s cool.

Gordon’s boss very kindly and out of the blue gave him a day off this week! Wednesday? Thursday? Regardless, it was glorious to have him home. We went to the gym together, went out to lunch (with Eddie) and thoroughly just enjoyed working side by side. Gosh, I love that man.

Brooke had her school music recital Friday morning and she did great! She is learning how to play the violin at school, so her with her classmates played a lovely (and squeaky!) rendition of Ode to Joy. I might upload it just so you can see how long it takes you to find the melody. Haha! It was precious.

I’ve been meaning to give my boys some hair cuts for summer and finally found the time this week. I chopped in short because both my boys inherited the Brennan sweating trait and can literally start dripping beyond 75 degrees. Summer would have been miserable with all that hair, so I got rid of it. I’ll probably have to do a little trim once a month from here on out for maintenance, but they are so so cute with short hair! And Eddie looks so much older as well.

After asking on instagram, I did lots of research and booked two small weekend trips for the summer. I’d like to do more, but I really think two will be fine. Plus we are going to Canada for a good chunk of July as well to visit family. I’m trying to convince two of my sisters to come back to New York with me and they aren’t completely convinced, but man am I trying 😉

I finally just gave in this week and bought a bunch of clothes for Gordon and the boys. Mostly work clothes for Gordon and matchy matchy brother church clothes for Blake and Ed. I love making them match for church. I think I have to get a few more items for Brooke for summer (longer shorts which don’t seem to exist anywhere!) and probably a few more larger, loose dresses to accommodate my growing belly.

Gordon worked a crazy weekend which consisted of many hours away from home, which was a bummer, but I did get him all day on Wednesday. I took the kids all over town to the library, the bank, the grocery store, the pharmacy, the park and the movie theater. We finally saw Aladdin which I’ve been meaning to do for a while and it was great! Didn’t totally love Will Smith as the genie because can anyone really top Robin Williams? But besides that, it was great.

The kids at the movie theater

Here’s what is coming up this next week:

Appointments galore! Taking all three kids to the dentist on Thursday evening (and then will most likely go out to dinner after because the appointment is at 5:30). We were supposed to go after school on Friday afternoon but Brooke has a field trip that brings her home after school hours.

Brooke is seeing the Orthodontist this week too! We’re getting a consultation for braces, palate expanders, etc.. And so it begins. Goodbye money.

I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday for this little nugget in my belly. Less than 15 weeks to go!

I will be interviewing nannies for the summer this week! I am laser focused about seriously getting my to do list completely finished! Hence why I’m looking for a nanny. They’ll be really part time, but much needed come August when I just want to sit in front of the air conditioner and do nothing. Haha!

Anyways, that’s it for now! Have a great week!

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15 Responses
  1. Trish

    What nanny agency are you using? My step daughter is in nyc & considering applying with some agencies. But there are so many, its hard to sort through and select one.

  2. Dawn

    Hey – what cute children! I love reading about your family – your thoughts, etc! I hope you all have a terrific summer!

  3. Kyra Harmon

    Round ligament sucks!
    Had it on my third and fourth child and it was horrible.
    I have been in New York this week Monday -Thursday
    Been hoping to bump into you..lol no way in this big ole city.
    We did go to Manhattan temple/chapel !

  4. Dina

    Hi there, for girls’ shorts try Old Navy – they have a french terry cuffed shirt that is a great mid length for girls! Gotten them a couple years in a row now and they Also Target has midi looser short in lots of colors and of course there’s always the bike shorts….
    (I have an 8 year old and run into same conundrum every year too!)

    Good luck and best to you and your family. 🙂

  5. Courtney

    Love the haircut on Eddie, and those cheeks with the dimples. He must get away with so much with that smile. Glad to hear your round ligament pain is gone. How does Eddie handle all the errand running? Do you think he sleeps better because of it? Good luck at the dentist on Thursday. Here’s to crossing everything off your to do list. 🙂

  6. Mary Lotempio/Garner

    Love hearing about and sharing the adventures of you and your family. It’s been a pleasure
    watching Eddie grow from an infant to this beautiful little man, and now can do the same with this
    precious other baby you’re having. The way summer is shaping up as of now, it might not be a scorcher
    lets hope not. And if it is a hot one, as you say, sit in front of the AC, Enjoy the day!

  7. Jessica

    Oh how I’d LOVE to be a nanny for your adorable family!! Too bad I am in BC 🙁 I am an elementary teacher and would be so down to nanny!!!

    1. Lena Boyd

      Oh you do so much, seems you never wear down. Hair on children in the hot summer months is much more comfortable. Take good care, we are waiting for this little nugget along with you.

  8. Dorothy Antoniuk

    I also have trouble finding girl’s shorts that are an appropriate length. I was so so excited when I found some at Roots last week. Good luck.
