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This Week at the Brennans’

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brooke graduation

Trudging through these last few weeks of online school. YES we are still in school over here. AH!

Here’s what happened these last few weeks:

We’ve been in Oregon for three weeks now and were in quarantine for the first two. Now that we are able to see friends and cousins, things are certainly looking up. The first two days, I was relieved and then the relief turned into sadness because the reality of not seeing Gordon was starting to hit me. It’s a lot being the only parent on duty. After 10ish days, the sadness started to subside enough for me to concentrate on work and now, I’m just trying to get to the end of the freaking school year. We only have a few days left and then after that things (I think) will get significantly better.

Being outside and just having access to the outdoors has helped greatly. Just the other day, we had a fire in the fire pit and made s’mores and it really did my heart good. Also, having the kids jump on the trampoline with the sprinklers, doing the slip and slide with their cousins and eating popsicles galore is really so good to see.

Brooke graduated from elementary school! She’s not done the school work quite yet but the virtual celebration happened already and we were able to party it up with Brooke. It’s so fun to see Brooke thrive! She has been having a great time in 5th grade and just tonight told me she doesn’t want the school year to end because she’s had so much fun. She has two teachers and one of them emailed me this morning telling me what a delight she has been to have in class. We are so proud of her.

around the fire pit
S’mores in the backyard!

Porter had a few bad nights this past week. Not sure what’s going on with him, but I’m actively trying to figure him out. His worst night was on Sunday night where he was up screaming from 10:30 to 2:30. I gave him a bottle, I gave him medicine (teething?), I changed his diaper, I tried a pacifier multiple times, I took off his sleep suit (is he hot?), I put his sleep suit back on (is he cold?) and nothing was working. I eventually checked and double checked EVERYTHING and then just let him cry it out. And then the real gut punch was he was awake, ready for the day at 5:30. Such a terrible night. And no, I didn’t get a nap in that day because I have three other kids to take care of. *face palm*

I found out this week that the NYC marathon I’ve been training for got cancelled. CANCELLED! I wish I had known that before I ran 12 miles in the rain last Saturday but whatever. The running has been really good for me and really has made a huge difference in getting me back into shape and for that I’m thankful. Now the question is, do I do the 2021 NYC marathon? Do I want this hanging over my head for another whole year? It’s already such a huge commitment…I’m not sure I want to do it. I have until mid-July to figure it out and make a decision. This has really knocked the wind out of my sails and I’m trying to regroup and make a new game plan. I wish my peloton bike would have come with us to Oregon. Shucks.

Lauren Lindsey Porter

I got my hair cut and colored here. FINALLY! The last time I got it done was when I was pregnant with Porter. Man, getting your hair done here is so much cheaper than in New York. It’s amazing how your perspective changes after living in such an expensive place for so long! I got a bit of an ombre effect and it got blonder. I just wish the girl went up higher on my head with the thicker blonde highlights. I looked nothing like the picture I showed her, but oh well. It was literally 1/3rd of what I would pay in NYC, so I can’t complain too much. I might go back and get it corrected before we leave. Meh. It’s just hair.

My friend Lindsay came to visit me! Well technically, she was just driving through the gorge on her way to Canada to renew her visa but still! I got to spend 30 minutes with her and it was glorious! I have been lucky enough to live multiple places and make so many wonderful friends. I grew up with Lindsay in Canada and have known her since as long as I can remember. Since we were 5 or 6, at least. So, it was amazing to see a friendly face and catch up. She has three boys like I have three boys, she’s just missing a Brooke! 🙂

Gordon is working hard at home in NYC. He just got off from working a week of the midnight shift, had a day to recover and sleep and now has started some 12 hour day shifts for the next week. Law enforcement is not for the faint of heart. He leaves for his training soon-ish! So, he’ll be in DC for part of June, all of July and maybe even into August?! I should probably know this. We’re hoping he can come for a visit in August and then we all fly back to NYC together. We’ve heard New York parks and splash pads are opening slowly and hopefully our friends are back in the city in August too 🙂 That is the unofficial plan as of now, but anything can happen.

new hair who dis

Here’s what is coming up this next week:

Guess what, folks. My kids will finally be done online school this week. DONE! Hallelujah. This has been a freaking long time coming.

Brooke is going to be meeting up with one of her friends she’s had since she was a toddler. It’s really so nice that we can come and go and there’s familiarity here for my kids.

I’m hoping to get over to the coast at some point…not sure if that’s going to be this next week or later in July but man am I excited for that!

I think that’s it for now. Thanks for following along, friends! We love reading your kind words and having your support.

Never Miss a Week:

Last Week: This Week at the Brennans’

Two Weeks Ago: This Week at the Brennans’

Three Weeks Ago: This Week at the Brennans’

sweet Porter James
I gave him a taste of toasted marshmallow. I think he liked it.

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20 Responses
  1. Sue

    I must have missed an issue….I thought you were all moving back to Oregon permanently. You taking the kids and then Gordon packing up your apartment in NYC and then he would move to Oregon too.

  2. Courtney

    Congratulations to Brooke for finishing elementary school. When i heard about the NYC marathon I immediately thought is Lauren going to be happy or sad?! 🙂 Glad the kids will be done with online school. They finished up here on the 19th. Firepits are the best, so are toasted marshmallows. I am sure the kids are missing Gordon (almost as much as you are) YAY for old friends and 30 minutes of in person conversation. Wishing you & the fam a fantastic summer!. Can’t wait for the updates. This is still one of my favorite posts.

  3. Lori Cadmus

    So glad you are enjoying the beautiful country! NYC is awesome but nothing like country air an lots of green grass and hills to refresh the soul. Enjoy! And, btw, I LOVE your hair! 🙂

    1. Karen T

      I live in upstate NY and let me tell you, it is gorgeous. Our governor has done an excellent job of leading us through this crisis. NYC is not a cesspool. Many people choose to live there because it is so exciting. I don’t care for the population density, but many in my family live there and love it. Your negative comment brings nothing to the table here.

  4. Shanna

    I’m not one to comment on things usually, but just had to reflect on what a small world it is! I’m an Oregonian and I was surprised to read that you have connections over here! 🙂 Thanks for all the delightful recipes you share—the love of cooking (and consuming lol) delicious food has been helpful and fun in the midst of all the crazy! Praying for you and your family.

    P.S. your gingerdoodle cookies are amazing! They are for sure a staple for my family now, ha! 🙂

  5. Shirley

    Enjoy every minute of this time with your kiddos….it goes by so fast! My youngest turn 31 on Sunday.

    I think your hair is amazing.

  6. Joyce

    I hope all goes well the kids all look happy and great and your hair is very nice it lights up your face you should keep it that way looks really becoming. I hope all goes well with your husband I give him a lot of credit law enforcement is not a fun job at all not at this stage and the way people are acting it is sad so sad I hope he says safe .

  7. Dawn

    You are such a trooper! It must be so hard without hubby but I hope you are still able to enjoy your time away from the city. Breathe in some of that mountain air and soak in some of the greenery. It’s good for the soul! Before you know it you’ll all be back together again. Take care and once again thank you for sharing your lovely family with us. I love coming along on your adventures! 😄❤

  8. Julie Vance

    I live on that mountain right behind the tree behind your daughters head!!
    I saw the mountain, Burdoin, in another picture you shared a week or so ago and was surprised to see it!
    Welcome to the gorge! I make frozen ready to bake pies and scones (Sweet Things by julie) and one of the places they are sold in Hood River is at Rosauers. I love your recipes, we’ve tried many.

  9. Marlene Hardy

    I was driving and heard on the radio that the NY Marathon was cancelled and immediately thought of you. Then I started thinking it was kinda weird for me to think of you since I don’t really know you. But I’ve been following you for about 4 years now so I feel like I kinda do! Lots of time to think when you’re driving! Enjoy your time with familly!

  10. Jeanne

    When I saw that photo with the mountains in the background I knew you guys were out west somewhere. You all look great. Guess it is kind of nice being able to get out to the city for awhile. Enjoy the coastal trip. I hope you get to go. Take lots of pictures please. Be safe.

  11. Susan Crawford

    Oh you are back in my part of the country, glad you are enjoying yourself. I’m suppose to be in NYC on July 20th…not happenng this year though. I hope you get the. Best day possible…ever at the Oregon coast. I’m glad school is all most done. 3 of my daughters had to do it too! It’s just hard. Been saving tons of your recipes this summer….thank you. Have a wonderful rest of your relaxing Pacific Northwest vacation.

  12. Donna mason

    I admire SO MUCH what a great Mama you are. You have done so much for SO long on your own and not many could handle all of that responsibility with so many kids, work, etc… Love following your blog and have for years during all of your moves, etc… Even that you did on your own. You are amazing! I hope your summer is a great one and that you can see Gordon soon. That has to be so hard.

  13. Patti Beach

    I think you are doing an amazing job. Being away from your husband for that long is hard but being the sole parent is even harder. Sounds like it’s getting better now that you can see family. Enjoy that wonderful view. Summer will be over soon and you’ll be back in NYC.

  14. JulesGC

    You are doing so well, under very difficult circumstances and away from your hubby. Luckily you have caring relatives to support you and keep your spirits up.

    Sending good vibes from Down Under.
