This Week at the Brennans’

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Brennan family walking to church
way to ruin the picture, Blake. Haha!

The most random week of the year, thanks to the weird school schedule!

Here’s what happened this past week:

My kids had Tuesday and Thursday off this week from school which always puts a weird kink in my schedule and a weird, uncharacteristic rhythm to the week. Meh. We made it through. Wasn’t my favorite because I like predictability, but whatever.

Since we got a glimpse into summer, I took the opportunity to take my kids to several splash pads and the dentist. Why not? I used to hate doing this by myself, but my kids are getting older and thus a little easier to wrangle at the dentist. Plus our dentist is the freaking bomb, getting us in and out within 30 minutes…even with x-rays for Brooke. Eddie is getting older, thus a little more agreeable so hallelujah for that tender mercy. The tv on the ceiling certainly helps…as do the prizes and balloon animals. Eddie was most thrilled about his Toy Story toothbrush, so that’s cool.

Since our appointment was the last one of the day, finishing at 5:30, we went out to Serafina for dinner and it was freaking delicious. We met Gordon at the restaurant since he was on his way home and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We don’t really make a habit of bringing the whole family out to dinner just because it’s most of the time easier to eat at home, but this was a rare exception. Gordon ordered the chicken parm (not on the menu, but they’ll make it if you ask) and I got a steak and fries which was heaven on a plate. Believe it or not it was the grilled zucchini and roasted red peppers that came with it that I ended up hoovering. I ate the steak too no problem, but those veggies had my heart. We really like Serafina 😉

Blake and Eddie at the dentist

This week, Gordon and I have been trying to narrow down a grill and a cargo bike for purchasing. There are SO many options on both fronts. If you have an opinion about either, I am all ears.

Another day this week, I got a sitter for the boys and took Brooke to the orthodontist for a consult as per recommendation from the dentist. After taking a full x-ray and examining her mouth, she said there was really no point in putting her through the discomfort of a palate expander or braces if her mouth is going to continue to grow. She doesn’t have all her adult teeth yet, so we just have to wait a year or possibly two for her adult teeth to all come in. Then we can see where we are at. Brooke really wanted a palate expander to be like her friends, but I’m ok putting it off for a little while longer. I ended up getting braces when I was 16 and got them removed when I was 17 1/2. Hopefully we don’t have to wait that long for Brooke 🙂

I made it to the gym 4 times this week, including a session with my trainer and he freaking killed me. I was sore for 4 days after. Gah!! Good for me and good for the baby but still. Squats are the worst.

Blake and Eddie eating watermelon at the table

I had a doctor’s appointment for me and the little nugget on Tuesday morning and had my glucose test done that day too. The drink didn’t taste as gross as it did with previous pregnancies which is a miracle and great news! No gestational diabetes. They did take another vial of blood to test my iron and *shocker* it is low. I just have low iron in general, so this is not new information. I just need to be better about taking my iron pills. They also mentioned my platelets were a little low too, but they said it’s nothing to worry about right now. The weird things that happen to your body when you get pregnant. I tell ya.

Baby is looking good. Currently little boy is facing my spine, sitting breech like a little yogi. Totally thought his head was his butt for a good two weeks, so that’s fun. Ha! Heart rate is sounding fabulous and baby is 2 pounds (allegedly). His kicks and punches continue to get stronger which is always a good thing.

I have had bouts of pregnancy insomnia and even a few nights where I kept getting woken up by baby boy’s movements. (A glimpse into my future.) One night I kept having the same nightmare where we couldn’t come up with a name for the baby…over and over again. I woke up every 40 minutes THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Weirdest dream ever. We are slowly narrowing the name field, but am still on the fence with most names. Don’t make me commit just yet! Let me see the little babe first.

A few more random things that happened this week include but are not limited to: Brooke having a sleepover with a friend, we went to a picnic with friends and I got a ton of Thanksgiving recipes finished this week! Slowly but surely making a dent in my to-do list.

Here are the posts you missed this last week: Italian Pasta Salad, Easy Meatballs, and an updated NYC Travel Guide (with more restaurant recommendations and things to do!)

Gordon and kids walking down the sidewalk

Here’s what is happening this next week:

My kids have another day off of school. Wheee! (The NYC school schedule makes zero sense to me.)

I have gotten so sick of not having a finished living room that I’m buying all.the.things and finishing that freaking room if it’s the last thing I do. GAH! I talked with the super and he said we can totally paint, so that’s happening asap. (Just an accent wall BUT STILL…) I also might buy a mini crib too. Watch out world, mama is spending all her dolla bills.

I’m trying out a new sitter this week because Gordon and I just need to buckle down and buy the rugs/furniture/picture frames/fill in the blank here. Also, there’s a new restaurants I walked by last week that I want to try. Haha!

And Father’s Day is this Sunday! Hip hip hooray!

New York city streets

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7 Responses
  1. Danielle Sanchez

    The NYC school schedule has never made sense. Three days off in two weeks, ugh.

    Also, I’m part of the amazing team at Brooklyn Bicycle Co. who manufacture city and commuter bikes. While that doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for, I highly recommend reaching out to the team at Kween Kargo for cargo bike recommendations! And if you ever need a backup dentist, Bitesize Pediatric Dentistry is AMAZING and also does TV time while in the chair and a token for the prize machine at the end of the visit!

  2. Gina B.

    Hi Laura,
    Love seeing all your pictures. Looks like you are living in a nice area. The kids are cute and you have a good looking husband. I am happy that you are doing well with your pregnancy . Hang in there and take care of yourself. Continue blogging and letting us know how you and your family are doing..

  3. Anne Pik

    Facing your spine? ha ha kept wondering what facing your “spice” meant. Glad to hear you’re doing well. Have an awesome Father’s Day with your family.

  4. Cheryl Shea

    I love your recipes and pictures from New York!! I have lived in Queens and Long Island for 32 years also lived in Chicago but now retired and down with the warm weather in Daytona Beach 🌴☀️ I enjoyed all your lovely stories I feel like I have a friend back in New York City!

  5. Holly

    Lauren, I love your recipes and would love to continue to eat your style. But due to our poor health and we are both 66 yo, we started eating first Keto now using Dr William Davis’ Undoctored life style. In this first 18 months, DearHubby is no long diabetic blood sugars down from 153 to 99. And I’m finally losing weight again, now at 50 pounds weight lost! Yeah!
    Anyway you can post more non-grain, non-sugar, low carb recipes. We a lot of veggies, liberal amounts of healthy oils (coconut, olive oil and butter), some meats, and some fruits. Thank you so much.
    Blessings to your family and the new little one,
