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This Week at the Brennans’

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Brennan family on the sidewalk

Man oh man what a fun and memorable few days I’ve had!

Here’s what happened this past week:

I ordered the last of the furniture for my living room. FINALLY! We’ve just had our bounce house in our living room for most of May with our new couch floating from spot to spot to make room. Excited to get the last few items and have this comfy room all put together. Lets hope everything doesn’t take a month to get here (like our couch.)

We had a few really warm days this past week and I was able to take my kids over to the park right after school or out to run a few fun errands. I took my boys out for ice cream one day and took Blake out to the book store to pick up a few Mo Willems books (his favorite). He had some gift cards and money from his birthday party, so he wanted to go out and spend. Blake is definitely our saver, Brooke is the spender. So I was thrilled to take him out! He has quite the little stash between Christmas and birthday money.

Gordon and I went out to dinner one night this week and it was delicious! I’ve been to Maison Pickle once before, but brought him to experience the glory. They stopped making my favorite fries (fried in duck fat) but we found some other tasty options. And then we stopped off at the hardware store after before we came home. HA! Old married couple right here.

Baby boy has started to move a little more! He’s been so chill with his minimal movements that I was a little worried because it was unlike my first three. But, it has started to pick up. Normally, I feel one or two tiny pokes here and there at night as I’m going to bed. Gentle little pokes. But, now those itty bitty pokes are after each meal and at bedtime. This little guy is already a calm, gentle soul. So so excited!

Outside of the New York public library

Still have 5 weeks of school left and then I’m going to be over my head in kids and summer and pregnancy. Savoring school for sure! I’m worried about the month of August because we have nothing planned and it’s going to be hot and sticky. Plus, I’m going to be in those tail-end last weeks of uncomfortable pregnancy. NOT looking forward to that, but then September will hit and life will be wonderful because we’ll have our sweet little nugget home with us.

On Friday, my two best friends, Amy and Amy came into town and we’ve been having the best time catching up and showing them around New York this past weekend. We haven’t been all together for years! I’ve seen one Amy here and the other Amy there, but not all together. So it was so fun to catch up 🙂 New York isn’t so intimidating when you have a tour guide who lives here!

We have done a ton of touristy things and eaten so much! Thankfully I’ve been walking and walking and walking it all off! The only redeeming part from all that eating.

I’ll be doing a recap blog post of our girls’ weekend in the next few days incase you’re wanting to recreate our trip. Lots of yummy bakeries, restaurants and things to see!

Lauren and friends with the city behind them

One of the Amy’s brought me a suitcase filled with baby boy clothes which was so so nice of her! After not being able to get pregnant for so long and not having any room for baby boy clothes anymore in our old apartment, we just gave them away with our car seat, boppy pillow and other baby items. So when we found out I was actually pregnant again, I was like “oh crap.” We have basically nothing, so it was nice to see her unpack everything and see this mini mountain of clothes. Also, all the clothes are tiny! Can’t believe I’m going to have a little person to put into those clothes soon! I should probably go shopping soon too.

Here’s what is coming up this next week:

Gordon and I are hopefully going to go take a tour of the hospital I will be delivering at. So weird to think we will just walk home after we get released. Ha! A whole new world here in New York.

Back to the routine for me! I had a few too many late nights with my friends, so I’ll be grateful for a solid 8 hours these next few nights.

Kids are still doing their same old same old schedule and routine which I am savoring. Brooke is consistently loving running more and more and Blake continues to look forward to his cooking class each week 🙂

A group of people walking down a street in front of a brick building

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4 Responses
  1. Victoria Treangen

    Hello! So cool you will be walking home with your new bundle. I love New York!

    What kind of stroller is that in your family picture? It’s so nice with a side compartment!

    1. Lauren

      We have the bugaboo donkey and love it! It extends into a double stroller, but we use it as a single with the basket. The seat turns into a bassinet, so that is what we will use for the baby in September and kick Eddie to the stroller board on the back. https://rstyle.me/n/c4bcgeceyzf

  2. Courtney

    Love the side eye Eddie is giving the family pic and Blake looks like he might still be sleeping 🙂 Glad to hear baby Brennan is moving more and it does sound weird that you would just walk home after he’s born. Have you narrowed down names yet? Finally the nice weather has made its way to the Northeast, I thought it would never get here. Can’t wait to hear of the Amy squared recap, Sounds like you gals had a great time together. Can’t wait to hear about the first time Blake makes you something that he learned in his cooking class.

  3. Bonnie

    I am glad you had a good time with your friends and going out with your hubby. I could not believe how big Eddie is he looks like he is a lot taller.
